Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thinkscript AUGEN N-1

This is a handy script for the TOS platform that I found. It bascically shows Jeff Augen's standard deveation spikes.

Augen N-1

declare lower;
input length = 20;
def closeLog = Log(close[1] / close[2]);
def SDev = stdev(closeLog, length)* Sqrt(length / (length – 1));
def m= SDev * close[1];
plot spike = (close[0] – close[1]) / m;
spike.AssignValueColor(if close > close[1] then Color.UPTICK else if close < close[1] then Color.DOWNTICK else GetColor(1));


1 comment:

  1. This is great. Thank you. Went looking after reading some of Augen's books and was pleased to find this here.
